Quick Quesadillas

Who doesn't love Mexican food? It's just something about ooey, gooey cheese and earthy beans that keep me coming back for more! I could probably live off Mexican food for the rest of my life but I love too many different foods to abandon them! So when I am in the mood for a little Mexican I often throw something like these super quick quesadillas together.

For my quesadillas I used shredded chicken that I had in the freezer from some drumsticks I cooked a while ago, which cut down on cooking time!

Quick Quesadillas

1-1 1/2 C shredded chicken
~1/2 can black beans
~1 C shredded cheese
6 flour tortillas
Sour cream


Heat a skillet with butter over med-high heat

Add a tortilla and sprinkle a little cheese on half then your chicken,

Next add your beans then top it off with more cheese

Fold the tortilla half without food over, then flip the whole thing, the side that was pan down should be nicely browned

Once the cheese is melted, remove from skillet and repeat with remaining tortillas. I like to cut mine in half when I serve them but you can leave them whole. Serve with salsa and sour cream on the side!


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