Avocado Hair mask

Like I've mentioned before, I'm a huge diy'er and that's for all parts of my life but especially my hair! I'm always looking for natural ways to care for my hair and most times I find myself in the kitchen. So today is a simple mask I whipped up yesterday since Fall is officially here and I wanna jump the gun on the dryness I usually experience with cooler weather.

As with any of my recipes this can be tweaked for your needs. I needed something with moisture and strength, so I went with avocado (moisture) and an egg yolk (protein/strength). I also added a teaspoon of coconut oil, but you can use your favorite oil or leave it out completely.

So first you want to scoop the avocado into a bowl and mash it up, you don't want big chunks in there, but you'll still probably have a few small ones

Then add the oil (if using) and egg yolk

Make sure you mix it thoroughly, continuing to mash any avocado bits

Next I took my mask to the bathroom (the reason behind the yellowish tint in my photos), sectioned my hair and went to work! 

I like to apply it sort of like a relaxer, in thin sections so that every hair gets coated 

Once done with a section, I twist it up and move to the next one. When all my hair is done I put on a plastic shower cap and let it sit for about an hour or so, but 15-30 minutes will also do the trick!

After an hour, I rinsed it out in the shower then shampooed and conditioned as normal. My hair felt much stronger and heavier after the mask which is awesome for me because I have very fine hair so anything that adds weight is good. I feel it has helped with moisture retention because I'm posting this three days later and I haven't had to remoisturize my hair yet! I've been doing homemade hair recipes for about 4 years or so and they haven't let me down yet.

Also for any hair fanatics (like me) out there who love a good length check (or hair porn in general ๐Ÿ˜), here's where I am currently

I'll be three years natural in December and it has been a journey full of ups and downs and I'm still trying to get the hang of it! I hope to be waist length next year sometime ๐Ÿ˜Š 

And for that leftover egg white, if you're like me and hate to waste, you can do what I did and use it as a face mask! You can use it plain or add different stuff like lemon (for lightening), honey (for moisture), or unsweetened applesauce or baking soda (for exfoliation)...but please test it on an inconspicuous place first to make sure you don't have any type of allergic reaction. 

I used it plain and layered it with tissue paper. I first whipped up the egg white until it was foamy then applied a layer on my face. Next I pulled the tissue paper in half then into strips and placed them over the egg white. Then finally I did another layer of egg white and let it harden for about 20 minutes or so

*isn't she lovely!! Lol ๐Ÿ˜*

When I finally peeled it off, my skin was noticeably smoother and the pores around my nose were not as black as they usually look. So overall I was happy with the results, it's something that I can see myself doing again, maybe a few times a month. So I hope this was useful or at least entertaining and til next time ✌️ 


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