
This week, while downtown, my bf and I decided to grab something to eat. His first suggestion was burgers (as usual) but I'm 'burgered' out so to my surprise he said Mexican! He NEVERRRR asks for Mexican, although it happens to be one of my absolute favorite types of food, he's just not that big a fan of the cuisine. But of course I jumped at the chance and we headed to Tequila's Town. 

This was only my second time going and of course, they did not dissapoint! I always try to order new things, so I went for the chimichangas because they were described as "deep-fried and covered in cheese" 😍 how could I say no? It was everything you could imagine, crunchy, cheesy, savory and full of flavor! It was a true foodgasm! And the salsa, oh my glob, the salsa! Even the waiter was drool worthy, it was arguably the BEST service I've had in a restaurant, we didn't want for anything, he was on top of everything, which just made the whole experience that much better.

So if you're ever craving some awesome Mexican in savannah make sure you stop by Tequila's Town on Whitaker Street! They even won a foodie award, what a perfect #foodiefriday. Til next time ✌️


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