
So I've decided to get back on track with a lot of things in my life, one being blogging! I haven't had an active blog since 2011! Another being, eating better...as of late I've been munching on everything in sight and eating out wayyyyyy more than I normally do. But for the last few days I've been really good about watching what I eat, I've even started back keeping track of my calories (as much as I hate doing it sometimes, for me that is the BEST way to get in control of my eating/weight) I'm the type of person that has to be able see exactly what's going on in order to change it for the better. So since I've been more health conscious I, of course, had to restock on foods! Being the pretty frugal person I wanted to do this in the cheapest way possible because I already spend enough on groceries, and healthier foods have a rep of being pricey. So I waited until I needed food before getting my new healthy stuff. Now I didn't go crazy on my first trip, the biggest thing for me was brown rice, bell peppers, various fruits, spinach, sweet potatoes, romaine lettuce and fish (tilapia) -- all of that (though I bought other things I needed at the same time) wasn't more than about $20 but I have to admit that I shop at about 3 different stores when I make groceries to get the best deals. I am a bargain hunter! And that will last for about two weeks....in all a whole restock grocery trip costs me around 60-80$ but that's when I'm buying multiple meats and cheeses and such. Anywho I feel like I'm rambling but to get to the point I've also decided to start back working out. I have my calendar made with a schedule. I've taken on the squat and plank challenge as well as two other personalized workouts. I've committed to four weeks of healthy eating and exercise in hopes it will be a nice jumpstart to get me back in the routine of it.....because I've been kinda down lately after losing my job but I'll get into that later. Back to my new goals/plans, so far I've gotten back to cooking daily and by keeping calorie counts have noticed ALL of my meals are under 400 and 500 calories (without trying!) but are filling! I'm always scouring the web trying to find healthy ways to get full because though I wanna be fit, I still wanna eat lol so I'll be sharing my recipes which are also wallet-friendly and use ingredients you probably already have or that are only a few dollars to get and can be used in many other dishes! &&I'm also getting back into my beauty stuff, I used to always keep my nails done (I do them myself, various art designs) and my hair as well but like I said, I haven't really been myself lately so I fell off....but last week for the first time in years, I went to a nail shop to get acrylics since I hadn't been taking care of my nails and they were busted!! (although when I was doing them regularly I never went to the nail shop, my natural nails were long and strong, hoping to get back to that soon!) anyway so I go to this place "Modern Nails" they had pretty good reviews from what I saw on the web but not 10 minutes in the lady cuts my pinky finger (yes there was blood) with the drill! Then has me stick said finger into acetone!!! Talk about the worst shit ever lol luckily she let someone else finish me up, a young guy named Tony, who was awesome btw....I think may go back to them until my nails grow out to my liking. They even give massages while you wait for your nails to dry which was nice! As for my hair, I've been doing my best to keep my hands out of it by wearing my big, curly wig but with the weather warming up it's the perfect excuse to buy a new wig, something short and sexy. I'm a huge short hair fan but deathly afraid to cut mine lol so wigs let me live that fantasy!
I think I'll stop here because my fingers are tired and this app kinda sucks but it's better than using safari on this phone but I'll be back with the meals I've made, none of which have more than 500 calories per serving but I must add that I've chosen to only eat calories and not drink them so all these meals I drink water with, any other drink may add more calories but I know not everyone can go cold turkey, baby steps! And to be honest, this is my baby step back to normality...but anywho bye for now



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