Potato Skins

This recipe was inspired by the upcoming start of football season because what's a game without something hot and salty to snack on?

This is a super simple recipe with only a handful of ingredients and a short cook time. So to get started you need some baked potatoes, about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of cheese, some bacon bits, sour cream and green onions. Because I had some open, I used nacho cheese in this recipe but shredded cheese works just as well

Just like my stuffed potatoes recipe, bake (or microwave) your potatoes, cut them in half and scoop out the insides leaving a thin layer inside so they hold their shape

Pour (or sprinkle) your cheese evenly into each half

Sprinkle your bacon over the cheese and stick them in the oven until the edges of the potatoes start to brown and the cheese is hot all the way through

Once they're done top with sour cream and chopped onions and enjoy!

I paired my skins with wings and steamed broccoli to add some greenery to my plate but they're great alone too! With this recipe you're sure to be ready for some football!! WHODAT! ;)

Potato Skins
Serves 2

3 potatoes, baked
3-4 strips of bacon, chopped 
1/2-2/3 cup cheese
Sour cream
Green onion, chopped


1. Set oven to broil - hi. Cut potatoes in half and scoop out insides, leaving a thin layer

2. Pour cheese into potato halves and sprinkle with bacon.

3. Place in lower half of oven and broil until potato edged brown and cheese is heated through

4. Top with a dollop of sour cream and sprinkle with green onions


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